Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 05:29PM

Last weekend we had our first ever overnight guest on Misterton, our niece Carolyn. Mary had lured her into London with the promise of a shopping trip, we'd asked if she'd like to stay over on Misterton, despite the current lack of facilities and to our pleasure she said yes.

While Mary and Carolyn went off shopping in London, I spent the afternoon running conduit and wires to the workshop area. This resulted in the lights no longer being run from the small standby battery out of my car, but from the main battery bank for the first time. When the ladies returned it was time for a quick fashion show to display their purchases, and then off to the local pub, The Swan for dinner. We rounded out the evening by introducing Carolyn to the 'Family Guy' - I played this down the next day to my sister in law Fi...

Here is Carolyn's bed for the night, in the second bedroom.

And proof that she survived the night. Hopefully she'll come to stay again.


Article originally appeared on Barge Misterton (
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