Its been a bit quiet on the blog front for a while, one of the by products of being on the boat more is more time spent doing stuff instead of writing about it. This is the latest list that we've been working to, seems endless at times, but we're getting there;
- Throttle modify
- Gearlever modify
- Steering modify
- Door handles on doors
- Get rid of water in bilges
- Mooring practice?
- Washing machine install
- Paint second bedroom
- Cistern cabinet make
- Wire up sump pump for shower and sink
- Wire up toilet
- Vent replace on waste tank
- Gobious fit
- Move ballast to rear cabin
- Move sinks, photograph two for Ebay
- Test and photograph old generator for sale
- Remove one winch drum?
- Bilge pump switch and wires for toilet/TV etc.
- lay floor in bathroom, stairs and kitchen areas
- Name on stern
- Rubbish to dump (many times....)
- Wash outside of boat
- Windows cleaned
- Light in bathroom
- Wire up Alde and test
Article originally appeared on Barge Misterton (
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