Still here
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 08:39AM

Not been posting much over the last few weeks as we've been busy and also I can't find the lead for the camera, so getting pictures up involves 2 laptops and USB stick.

Still working on the steering project, there were delays due to a supplier problem, as I need to get a couple more broaching cutters, but I have a new hole drilled in the tiller arm now. Have order some steel plate to be able to re-locate the mounting point for the hydraulic ram and then we should be all set.

In the meantime we re-painted the roof - this had a lot of scratches on it from the final days in Goole, plus some the early anti-rust treatments we use didn't last. All the areas covered in Vactan are fine, which is reassuring.

Very silver and apparently very attractive to the local insects who seem to come there to die all over it.

While waiting for the cutters to arrive, I painted over the bridgedeck area.

I also added a shelf to keep the navigation lights, these are oil lights so are pretty big. The restoration of these might be a winter project. :)

More soon!




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