Just for Tobias
Thursday, September 30, 2010 at 07:24PM

Who was asking about the interior, here is Mary at six months pregnant and in the kitchen. I just need to work on the barefoot part, and I'll get my chauvinist badge. The photo was taken by my mother on her new iPad.

The kitchen is not quite finsihed, but its functioning (indeed I'm cooking in it now), I've just got some electrical items to hook up and finish the wall by the stove.

Speaking of which, you'll notice the little blue stove is now offset to make room for the kitchen 'walls'. I wasn't sure of the best way to do this, but found Simpson Race Exhausts who were able to make a very neat offset pipe out of bits of the original one and some 3 inch stainless steel bends.

So we're warm and fed. Maslow would be proud.


Article originally appeared on Barge Misterton (http://misterton.squarespace.com/).
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