Sunday, June 5, 2011 at 08:29PM

Time keeps rushing by, its June already! Nate is growing and is now over 15lbs. Still not much help round the boat though. I've cleaned up the decks and treated them for rust, then painted them. The grey anti-slip paint we put on in the dry dock in Thorne a couple of years ago didn't;t work out too well. The new paint is Craftmaster Raddle Red, which I used on Iris, my narrowboat and it seemed to work well there. The middle picture shows the side I still need to do.......

The engine has also needed some attention, the headgaskets seem to have been leaking water into the oil, not good. Hopefully a simple fix, but its always easier to take things apart than put them back together again.

 I'm taking the heads to a local engine builders to get them cleaned and checked. Fingers crossed!





Article originally appeared on Barge Misterton (http://misterton.squarespace.com/).
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