The UK has been hit by a series of storms over the holiday period, the result of which has been extensive flooding. We didn't get much until after New Years where we are, but the waters started to rise. Nate and I made a gangplank one saturday afternoon and were pleased with the results.
A few days later the gangplank was under 1 foot of fast flowing water....
We needed to use fishing waders to get off and on as the garden was in thigh deep water. Nate enjoyed using the canoe in the garden though.
He'd also managed to take his mother for a bike ride earlier in the week, so its been a good start to the year for him.
Finally, here is the fish I made for Mary's christmas present. Its over 7 feet long and the ribs and tail are all made from some of the wasted steel plate we had to remove from Misterton last year. So now the neighbours know what all the pre-christmas angle grinding was about.