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We've had some friends come up and help us over the last few weeks with rust scraping and general boat clearing. I'm not sure why they've left the cosy embrace of the M25 to come to East Yorkshire, but we're very greatful!

First up are Piran and Loretta. They arrived with Mary one saturday afternoon (I'd already gone up as Mary was working on the saturday morning) and despite seeing Misterton for the first time on a gloomy October evening, stayed to help us on the sunday. Possibly as we were providing them with a lift home - nothing like motivated workers is there?

We began with the task to move my pile of 'useful' wood from the inside to store it on the roof. I'm not a big fan of storing stuff on boat roofs, but needs must and all that. Once the wood had been moved, I could now think about getting rid of the floor that I'd fallen through about three times....

Piran and Loretta both helped with this, as it was a very windy day. Once this was done, they diligently scraped rust off the workshop wall and I have to say made an excellent job of it!

As Mary and I know (mainly Mary....) this is a thankless task, but will pay off in the end.

Piran and Loretta had also bought us these rather spiffing hats as part of our wedding present. I'm wearing Mary's as I type this....

Next to enjoy the pleasures of the barge were Helen and Greg. Note how happy and clean they look here, I think they thought this was just a quick visit and then off to the pub.

Helen and Mary chipped away at some rust and flaking paint (there is an endless supply of it...) while Greg and I removed the old chipboard floor from the front of the boat. Greg also noted that the steps were a bit ropy and so I 'volunteered' him to fix them. That'll teach him to knock the fine craftmanship of the previous owners.

The results will keep things much safer until we get rid of them all together and replace them with something else, but for now they're the main way into the cabin. Greg had better hope cousin Will in New York is not reading this, or that cheery 'thumbs-up' might not be so cheery..... ;-)

In both cases our friends reported increased sleep and muscle soreness. Beyond that I don't really know, but I'm sure once they start returning our calls and emails again I'll be able to provide an update.

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Reader Comments (2)

We enjoyed it. It's nice to be a part of Big Things

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPiran and Loreta

I think you win the prize for quickest response ever Piran! :)

November 3, 2008 | Registered CommenterSimon

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