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Moon unit 1

Happiness is an angle grinder. Or something like that.

Here I am modeling the latest in boatwear. Didn't stop me getting filthy though.

How much more can I write about rust treating? I'd better come up with something, for as the Carpenters sang 'We've only just begun'.

Mary and I spent a couple of days treating rust and clearing out more stuff. It seemed like slow work, but we're making progress.

A new event was cooking our first meal on board, and even more exciting was the use of yet another gift from my sister that had been 'stored' in the engine room of IRIS for the last year or so. Here is Mary cooking....

....and here is a close up of the BBQ action. Note the handy fire extinguisher.

Turned out to be a very nice meal. More advanced cooking next week (or maybe not.....)

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