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Half Term

Another one. Yes, we spent another week or so working on Misterton, progress is being made, even if sometimes we're too close to the wood to see the trees.

We were visited by my sister, brother in law Steve and nephews William and Tom one day. I soon had William and Tom on ballast shifting duty. They managed 1.5 tons between them, and Tom was the only casualty with a lacerated finger. Steve and I basked in the glow of watching a new generation doing thankless manual labour.

I spent a lot of the week preparing the front cabin for the two 900 litre water tanks. Steve and I took turns at painting the inside with the solvent rich light grey anti-corrosive paint. Even with the hatch unbolted, we could only manage ten minutes at a time before the fumes overcame us.


The tanks were secured with rachet straps. After filling them the front of the boat came down a bit and the stern came up, so I'll need to put the last of the steel ballast back there (instead of the middle as planned).

 Mary meanwhile was painting, lots of painting. We had some help on friday from Guy, who did a great job of painting our bedroom.

The results look great, we should finish off the bulk of the inside painting this weekend.


I even managed to watch some local traffic going by, to Mary's amusment. Not quite the same as the big barges in Yorkshire, but interesting all the same (to me alone I must admit.....)


 Part 25 by Mary here too.

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Reader Comments (4)

Looks like it'll be ready just in time for the Christmas decorations to go up.

November 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPiran and Loreta

hi Simon,
next time you find yourself painting with fumey stuff in confined spaces, try the breathers made by 3M that screwfix sell. The blue ones with the white filters that look vaguely sci-fi. They cost a bit at about £16 a pop, but last a good while, and most importantly- actually work. These things have enabled me to paint for hours in tight spots whilst retaining my marbles with everything from timber preservative to pure epoxy Interzone 954. Also good for weld fume and other nasties

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterseb

Thanks for the tip Seb! I've got about 5 litres of the 20 litre drum left, so no doubt will be splashing it around somewhere else on the boat.......

November 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSimon

Looking really good. You really must now feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel!

November 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFran

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