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Mary and I went up to Goole to drop off some parts and catch up with people there. I was pleasantly surprised that Alan and his crew had been able to make a bit of progress since our last visit. The weather has been very bad, snow sleet etc., so I wasn't expecting too much.

In no particular order, we have the front buklhead welding done;

Some more battening has been done so that interior lining can be added (after the insulation is put in);

A couple of views of the new roof, taken from the bow of the barge next to us;

The welding of the coachroof to the coamings has been completed (its the rusty strip just below the handrail....) - the previous owners had only tack welded the roof on, then had filled the gap with mastic. This didn't work very well.......

In the engineroom the fuel tank has had a section removed (to make way for stairs down from the wheelhouse) and the remaining tank has been welded up. The thing that looks like a bin on the floor is the section of tank removed.

Finally, I've done a slightly more up to date version of the diagram for the floorplan thats in the interior section of the website. This has mainly been prompted because of our height, but makes the interior more interesting (and makes life more difficult for Alan the boatbuilder :).



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