« Part 19 | Main | Floors »

Summer Hols

Last week Mary and I spent our summer holidays working on the boat, with the aim of getting everything we need done in Goole completed in the next few weeks before Misterton comes down south. The floor project has been described already, so let start with needle gunning. This has been a recurring task, using the tool to clean off old paint and rust. There were only a few areas left to do on the outside of the boat, so I got kitted up and stuck in.

I was cleaning off the bulwarks prior to them getting repaired, one of them will need a lot of the metal replacing, so I didn't bother cleaning that up. Treated with vactan later in the week, they looked much better.

We were visited on sunday by friends Carolyn and Marv from Lincoln, they look surprisingly chirpy amongst the mess.

Another interesting (to me anyway, I'm not sure Mary shared my excitement) was this old WWII landing craft. It had been sitting unused for most of the last year, but it moved from its berth and is now gone, not sure where.

An arrival this week was the waste tank, we all paused to admire it when it was unloaded.

Its going to be fitted up against the hull side in the workshop, hence the shape, this is the rough position.

I was glad it fitted in, as I was the one who measured it up.

Finally, we got to see the anchor that we brought from ebay and that was shipped directly to Goole.

Alan the boatbuilder assured us it was more than big enough, so we've donated our old one (via Chris on Southcliffe) to the Waterways Museum at Goole - it'll be nice to leave a little bit of Misterton behind (thats not rust).

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