MSO #7

We went down to MSO as usual on saturday, but there was a difference this time - Misterton had been taken out of dry dock and was afloat for the first time in almost three months. She was tied up next to 'Captain Haddock', MSO's work flat.
There is still the lettering to go on the front, and some minor work inside, but that's about it.
Because this part of the river is tidal, there was quite a drop down to the work flat. Mary and I decided that Nate might be better off spending an hour or so with her at the local soft play area while the tide came in.
While they did this, I ran the engine, which pleasingly started the first time, and set about charging the batteries. This took a little while to get going as they were completely flat. Hopefully they are not damaged, we'll see this weekend.
When Mary and Nate came back the tide had come in enough so that they could just step across. Nate was very excited to be back on board his home and was upset when we had to leave. Some potato wedges took the edge off the angst for him though.
We like the anchor painted silver, a nice touch.
Still waiting for the Thames to stop being in flood so we can get home, still hopeful of getting there for Christmas on board, but its going to be close!

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