Its been a while

We've been busy, mainly with work but also a few other things. I did take half term off to spend some time with Mary and Nate, and of course, factored in a boat trip. We didn't go far, just down the river to Laleham, but it was a nice break.
Nate has become fairlt obsessed with the steering wheel and gear lever, in fact he won't happily leave the boat of a morning unless he's checked them both out.
I did add something to the engine on our hols, its an overload pawl for the fuel rack in the injector pump. Basically you can swing it out of the way to allow more fuel for cold starts, but it then drops down to prevent overfueling under normal operation. Our engine was missiing it, so it was good to get one. It was obtained from marine power services. Here are the bits...
...and here it is installed.
That's all for now!

Reader Comments (2)
Does the boat run on JD or is that just you ;-)
What are you feeding Nate ???
He sure is growing up in a hurry. :))
Bill Kelleher