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Autumn Projects

As the days get shorter and the temperature cooler, I've been working on more 'inside' projects and here are a couple, both with the theme of tidy. The first is the storage area on top of the waste tank, this has tended to be a dumping ground for all sorts of stuff as its on the way through to the main living area. I'd thought of several approaches, but settled on downward hinging doors.

To us it makes quite a difference. The mess is still there of course, just hidden from view now.

The next minor problem was the clutter caused by various phones and ipads, they had tended to take up most of the counter in the kitchen with their associated chargers. This little rimu (New Zealand wood) corner shelf has solved that problem.


I've also been working on adding a heat exchanger to the engine so we can use closed circuit cooling. This is taking longer than I thought, so I'll write about that another time.


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