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Since the floodwaters have receded we've been able to get back to more normal life. Mary had given me a MIG welder for christmas and I've finally been able to use it. An initial project was welding up an exhaust leak, followed by moving the steering wheel. This had been roughly put in place in Goole, back in 2009 and although functional, it could take up less space.

Gleefully heralding the arrival of spring, I cut the mountings for the steering pump off with the angle grinder, drowning out the local birdsong. This enabled me to re-weld it back about 15cm further forward. Of course, like many projects, its spiraled out of its original form as I now have the chance to 'fix' or improve several things. Watch this space, but here is an interim picture of progress.

It should be finished soon, in the meantime Nate and I have been tidying up the engine room in anticipation of actually going somewhere in Misterton.



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